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Declare your love for the planet on February 14th!

Who better to celebrate it with than the wonderful Bruce Maynard, 2022 Bob Hawke Nation Landcare Award winner, holistic farmer and passionate advocate for a healthier planet.

Bruce Maynard in conversation with Laura Dalrymple

14th February, 6.00 – 8.00 pm

Upstairs at Feather and Bone, Marrickville

Ticket includes Wildflower Beer and a grazing plate of Feather and Bone and AP Bakery goodies

If Valentine’s Day is all about love, then surely the worthiest recipient of our collective love is the planet on which we live and depend? That's why 14th February is National Regenerative Agriculture Day – a day to champion holistic farming practices that promote ecosystem health and don't cost the earth.

We'll discuss Bruce's unconventional and much-lauded farming practices, the escalating benefits of regenerative farming, the hidden problems of chemical sprays and find out about the B Team – Bruce, the Butcher, the Brewer and the Baker.

Find out more about Bruce Maynard here.

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Australia is an innovative country when it comes to regenerative agriculture. Many great teachers and innovations have pre-seeded this, our formal Regenerative Agriculture National Day. Innovations including Permaculture, Natural Sequence Farming, Biodynamic Agriculture, Pasture Cropping, Holistic Management, Keyline Systems and leading knowledge in Soil Carbon. It is our honour to acknowledge and thank all the work, individuals and organisations that have come before us today. May our vast and dynamic community stand UNITED and as one voice on this our formal National Day. 


© 2023 By Carbon8 Fund. 

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